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Mastering Rotation 2 in Volleyball



In the second of our 6-part volleyball rotations and overlap series, we are exploring rotation 2 in volleyball.  Due to the overlap rules in volleyball, rotation 2 has far fewer options than rotation 1.


Rotation 2 – Player Positioning

The players have rotated one position clockwise around the court. Here is where they are in Rotation 2.

Bold & Underlined Text = Front Row Players

In Rotation 2, the H1 is in Zone 1, followed by the M2, Opposite, H2, M1 (replaced by the libero) and finally the Setter. In Serve-Receive, there is only one commonly used formation.

ROTATION 2 – Traditional Serve-Receive Option

a volleyball court image showing rotation 2 overlap rules and spacing

Player Assignments by Position:

S: Starts in Zone 1 behind the H1

H1: Passes in Zone 1

M2: Starts in Zone 2 and hits Quicks

OP: Starts in Zone 2 in front of the Setter and hits Reds

H2: Passes in Zone 5 and hits Gos

L: Passes in Zone 6


  1. The three primary passers are passing with the Libero in the middle of the court.
  2. The Setter is allowed to start the rally already in the passing zone.
  3. The attack approaches are simple for all three front row attackers.
  4. The offensive footwork for the M2 is pretty simple. Watch the “MB Footwork in S/R – Ro 1,2,3” video on GMS+.
gold medal squared volleyball clinics


  1. There is not room for any flexibility here with where each player starts. Each player is essentially locked in to these spots.

Important Overlap Rules Considerations:

  1. The passing H2 must be in front of the Libero, even though they are both passing right next to each other.
  2. The Setter must be behind the Opposite.
  3. The M2 must be to the right of the Opposite.
  4. The Libero must be to the left of the Setter.
  5. The H1 must be to the right of the Setter.
info graphic of rotation 2 in volleyball

Rotation 2 with the H2 Passing in Zone 5 and hitting a go. The OP hits a red. The M2 hits a quick.

Posts in this Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Rotation 1
  3. Rotation 2
  4. Rotation 3
  5. Rotation 4
  6. Rotation 5
  7. Rotation 6
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